★ Mysteries ★

Killer Cop is a true crime novel by Jack Morgan. Find it today in e-book and paperback on Amazon.
Killer Cop Book Description
A policeman stands over a man in the back of a pickup truck. He shoots the man three times in the dark. He looks up and aims his semi-automatic handgun at a woman sitting in the driver’s seat as she watches in terror through the rear window. She screams.
He fires one more time. This time the bullet travels directly at her head. Exploding glass splatters her face, neck and shoulders.
His body rages with adrenaline and he yells, “Get out of the truck!”
She falls out of the truck and onto the ground crying. She calls out for her boyfriend in the truck bed.
The officer growls, “Shut up!”
Her face and neck are covered in blood. She may bleed out on the ground leaving no witnesses.
She is identified as the twenty-seven year old mother of a boy and a girl. She is also a scholarship student at the local state university.
Armed men force her into a chair and handcuff her to a table. Homicide detectives interrogate her asking the same questions over and over. They show no concern for her unarmed boyfriend. Instead all they seem to want or need is for her to confess to some crime.
This novel is based on a true story which was documented in court records.

Rape In Liberty County is a true crime novel by Jack Morgan. Find it today in e-book and paperback on Amazon.
Rape In Liberty County Book Description
A local sheriff is watching a nighttime baseball game. A woman, who he recognizes, approaches him in the high school stands.
She says, “My daughter is being raped by your deputy.”
He races to his patrol car. He is about to leave the parking lot when she waves him down and says, “They have it all on video.”
Moments later he receives a call from the deputy accused of sexual assault.
He orders the deputy to meet him at a nearby park. He calls a patrol car heading for the victim’s house and orders the officer to stay away from the crime scene.
He finds the deputy at the designated park leaning against his van with his arms spread far apart. There is blood streaming down his face. His left eye is swollen completely shut and his lips are busted. The deputy tries to talk but only stutters in broken sentences.
The sheriff refuses to take the deputy’s statement. He leaves him at the park in the care of two officers while he travels directly to the home of the victim.
The victim’s family gives the sheriff a copy of a video recording. The sheriff demands the original but the family refuses to turn it over.
The victim’s brother-in-law says, “The original video is buried safely somewhere in the county.”
More evidence of more possible victims turns up by midnight. The video hits the internet and then the local television news.
It does not take long and more women come forward to accuse the same deputy.
This novel is based on true life events which were documented in court records and the facts may be stranger than fiction.